Saturday, September 16, 2017

Liberals are putting our nation at risk

[Heritage Action]

Our nation’s security is at risk and the time for Congress to act is now!

We are living in dangerous times. Our nation is less secure than ever before. And even more than before – we are vulnerable to attacks by terrorists.  Our border security was intentionally dismantled by Obama. And after decades of ignoring our laws and rewarding lawbreakers – American citizens are left suffering the consequences.

If we don’t act now our nation will only be inviting more lawlessness. If changes are not made to our immigration system, we will no longer attract the best and the brightest and economic opportunity to our borders. Instead we will only be inviting more lawless illegal aliens who don’t respect our laws, traditions, values and are dependent upon government handouts

This is insanity. We must act and call upon our leaders to enforce our laws, secure our borders and protect our citizens.

That is the job of the government – not encouraging illegal immigration, rewarding criminals and irresponsibly increasing deficit spending. You can hold Congress accountable to:
  • build the wall on America’s southern border
  • end sanctuary cities
  • deport hundreds of thousands of criminal illegal aliens
  • correct failing immigration policy and restore our tradition as a nation of immigrants, not illegal immigrants

Pressure Congress to secure our borders

Bringing citizen pressure to the House and Senate is the job of Heritage Action. When your representatives give into establishment pressures and succumb to the swamp of Washington — Heritage Action is here to apply pressure on lawmakers and lobby on behalf of the American people.
It’s time for government to get to work protecting our law-abiding citizens.
Together let’s fire a no-nonsense initiative that rattles lawmakers to act. They’ve got a mandate to fulfill and time is running out. And we never take no for an answer. 

You can build the wall and secure our southern border

We can’t wait to act any longer. Demand our leaders make good on their mandate to build the wall, deport criminal illegal aliens and defund “sanctuary cities.”


Anonymous said...

Can't find a link to the content but I'll assume you cut and pasted like you usually do.

So a couple things: one, Obama deported record numbers of illegals. Two, he tried to get more Border Patrol officers but was voted down on a number of different occasions by Republicans who want to shrink the Federal workforce.

You might have a problem with his immigration policies (and most likely do) but that's hardly "dismantling" anything. Trump is apparently signing on to a DACA policy so if there's anyone you should be getting upset I would think it would be your President. But, naturally, you won't because Trump can do anything and you will stand mute every time. You can only blame Obama. That's all you have.

Lynn Anderson said...

I hope Trump changes his mind. We can't afford to open our country to every illegal in the world who has children and extended family...that's what it could lead to.
I said in the very beginning of this that it was from Heritage Action. So, read and enjoy. That is a newsletter. Stop working so hard to always discredit me. It's ludicrous.
Yes, Obama did send a lot of illegals back. And guess what? Many of them were violent criminals and they all came back. Now you guys are giving them sanctuary in all your liberal strongholds. What ever are you thinking? You're not.
Tighter border security is needed and oh, yes, Build the Wall.