Friday, September 23, 2016

Chief Assistant State Attorney to speak in Lake Worth on Sober Homes

All this politically correct stuff. Now they don't want us to call them "Sober Homes."  We are to call them "Group Homes" per Scott Maxwell who was in Washington, D.C. last week.  He invited Debbie Wasserman-Schultz to tour our city to see our Sober Home situation first-hand.

The community event will be held at the Scottish Rite on Monday. The first presidential debate is on the same night but not until 9pm.

Chief Assistant State Attorney, Alan S. Johnson, 15th Judicial Court
Speaks with Neighbors
What's happening on the State & County level to protect Neighborhoods & addicts truly seeking recovery from unscrupulous & unregulated operators?

Monday, September 26 | 7pm
Scottish Rite Center | 2000 North D Street


Anonymous said...

Call them what they are: drug houses

Anonymous said...

No matter what they call them, nothing will happen. It's just to make you feel good while they do nothing. The neighborhood is tanking.

Anonymous said...

Follow the money, as long as we pay for them addicts will profit.

Anonymous said...

I don't call them sober homes. I call them Not So Sober Homes and Drug Magnets. Urine Farming, and Insurance Scamming. Neighborhood Destroyers. Making Millionaires Outta SlumLords. Homelessness Importers. Insurance Extorters. And worst of all: those quite willing to send those with a drug problem to the next world--all for $$ and illegal kickbacks. The one down the street is owned by a convicted sex offender and pedophile. 22 year old girl from my home state now dead as a door nail. For going there. Why is the DOJ protecting this??

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have said it better myself, 1:11 PM

Anonymous said...

It's funny, I thought I heard that the police cleared out the cultural plaza of homeless people the other day. I must have dreamt it. I just drove by, and I guess it was a bunch of accountants sitting there.